Andy Lowery and Joe Lonsdale Discuss Epirus' Approach to High-Power Microwave on American Optimist Podcast

Epirus News

Electronic shields are iconic elements of Star Trek, Star Wars, and other great American sci-fi. Once a fantasy, we are now building versions of these in real life. And they're a vital solution to a new type of threat confounding our legacy defense industry.

This real-life force field alternative is called solid-state high-power microwave (HPM), and it's an answer to drone swarms and the proliferation of autonomous, attritable threats. Founded out of 8VC Build in 2018, Epirus is developing the world's most advanced solid-state HPM systems, capable of disabling hordes of drones and other electronic devices up to miles away — and it only costs pennies to fire. Epirus CEO Andy Lowery explains the science behind solid-state HPM and why the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Space Force are all pursuing Epirus's technology.

We begin with the changing nature of warfare and why harnessing — and defending against — autonomous, attributable systems is essential for any future conflict. Next, we dive into HPM technology and its myriad applications, from taking out drones, missiles, boats, and other vehicles to defending satellites in space. We also discuss the rise of "neo-primes" like SpaceX, Palantir, and Anduril and a new model for getting the best technology into the hands of our warfighters as quickly as possible. Finally, we discuss the importance of fusing Silicon Valley's AI and big data expertise with the US defense-industrial base's advanced hardware experience in order to maintain our technological advantages over China and other adversaries.