electronic warfare

The enemy gets a vote. Epirus is your veto.

Our Leonidas product family utilizes solid-state, software-defined, long-pulse high-power microwave (HPM) technology to achieve unmatched effects against numerous electronic threats, beginning with the Counter-UAS mission.


Size, Weight & Power (SWaP)

Traditional High-Power Microwave (HPM) technology is decades-old, bulky, and requires a large team to operate. Leonidas utilizes solid state, long-pulse HPM - enabling more versatile, effective deployment for a wider range of applications.


We use software to increase range with waveform optimization and efficient firing - no new hardware needed. Leonidas gets smarter and more effective with every pulse.

Human Safe

Low voltages, zero ionizing radiation, and software-controlled safe zones make Leonidas safe for people and friendly assets alike.

Modular & Scalable

Our unique approach leverages line replaceable amplifier modules (LRAMs) to develop new form factors and install upgrades with unprecedented speed.

Open API

Leonidas’ open architecture integrates with a range of command & control (C2) systems (including FAAD C2, used by the US and NATO for C-UAS and other air defenses).

Cost Correction

The U.S. has spent upwards of $2 million per unit to defeat drones that cost hundreds to thousands. Drones are easily mass-produced, while the U.S. kinetic arsenal can face years-long lead times. Leonidas costs pennies per kill, is ready for production now, and its magazine is unlimited.


Leonidas, our family of software-defined, solid-state, long-pulse high-power microwave systems, is the most effective electronic warfare, directed energy counter-swarm solution available. Leonidas is DoD-validated, cost-effective, production ready, and fit for a full spectrum of missions

Production Ready, Now.

Leonidas has been validated through extensive field testing, resulting in its selection for the U.S. Army’s Indirect Fire Protection Capability–High-Power Microwave (IFPC-HPM) initiative. With over 100,000 sq. ft. of production space and our team of in-house experts, we delivered the first prototype just 9 months after being put on contract.

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Join the growing number of government, commercial, and advanced R&D organizations who have chosen Epirus for their most critical missions.